Just Pics…

Nothing new to say today, so I’m posting some random pics.
Grabbed my Dad’s camera back, so it’s fun pointing and shooting!





Ain’t they just too cute??
And too in need of haircuts???

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Canadian Rockies!

I do not currently have a working camera.

Not only is this tough for someone with 4 kids who LOVES to scrapbook and capture every moment, it’s tough for a blogger to NOT HAVE PHOTOS!!

On our recent drive through the Rockies to Alberta, I bought 2 down and dirty disposable cameras. The bad thing is that the photos aren’t terribly clear or colorful, but the good thing is that you can grab it FAST and click – no turning it on, waiting for it to warm up, etc. And FAST meant I could capture 2 of the 3 wildlifes we saw! Oh, was I excited to see wildlifes.

09.05 rockies
I took many a shot of white capped mountains with the disposables, our cell phones, anything I could find. It was a lovely drive, although I think I would have come out of it feeling completely jipped had I not seen wildlifes. Bright yellow signs kept promising there would be some AT THE ROAD! Every time I saw one of the signs, I’d grab my camera and wait…

Anyhow, I’d better get at least some of my cameras fixed soon, or I’ll run out of things to scrapbook/post really soon…

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Underwater Photography

This past year for Cmas we bought A a new digital camera. She LOVES to take pictures. She also LOVES to swim and be in the water, so we bought a camera that was WATERPROOF! Although it was a bit over our normal Cmas gift budget, it wasn’t too badly priced compared to any other digital camera.

olympus-waterproofWhat can I say… A also really likes PINK. And this baby is REALLY PINK! I was embarassed to even buy it. She’s told me that when she’s performing on stage and I’m video taping w/ her camera, she can actually SEE the camera in the audience from the stage.

This past weekend in Kelowna for B’s vball tourney, we (meaning Hubby, Tt, A + Boo – NOT me) spent some time in the pool and here are some of our most awesome shots! UNDERWATER! How cool is that?!?!

p4180025This was the point where A realized that Tt didn’t have his water wings on… He can’t swim yet… It was not shallow…  But it made for a good – QUICK – picture!

p4180045A view up into Boo’s nose from underwater… EVEN from underwater you can see those eyelashes! Amazing!

p4180080I took this one from the edge of the pool ;-). No, it is not officially bathing suit season yet. I have… 3 more months until I can be expected to be seen in a suit, so just leave it alone.

p4180085An artistic shot from A from below the water… Well, I thought it looked cool anyhow !

Is there no end to the ways we can photograph!?
What have you photographed lately?





Other posts you might enjoy:
Manual Photography Selections : #03

Photos : Granville Island (Spring)


Cellphone Photography

Ser-VICE! part 3

I went with my eldest, B, to a tournament in Nanaimo (2.5 days with no wee ones!!!) (too bad I had a lumpy bed… and bad pillow… and no sleep…). ANywhoo, there was this cool red “curtain” dividing two gyms and it was a very cool backdrop for taking shots against.


It’s interesting how different all the girls serves are, and how wildly they contort their bodies to get that little white ball over that flimsy little net. Amazing.

But, alas, B does not get to serve (in Canada) as Libero, so here’s my “shot of the day” for her, too!

dsc_1406Fuzzy, but she made a great save here! Sorry, she made a great DIG here.
I forget my lingo sometimes.





Other posts you might enjoy:
Manual Photography Selections #01
Food Photos
Ser-VICE part 1

Ser-VICE! part 2

I’m not sure I can ever beat the shot I got here with B hovering over the floor, catching a shot off her hand.
But that won’t stop me from trying! It’s just such a challenge to get these indoor shots of moving girls.

Of course, the still shots can be great too. This is Gramma’s shot with her D300 super-duper-never-her-eldest-(and-greatest)-daughter-shall-touch-it camera. Pretty good considering we were watching A through netting!

The place doubles as a speed bike or rollerblad or something fast-ish racing kind of thing. Descriptive, no?
The boys had a grand old time sliding down the steep sides again and again (another Gramma shot).
I just kept thinking “there goes two more pairs of pants to the ripped-and-torn bin”. Such a wet blanket am I.


I LOVE this shot. Usually A (or B) is blurry from moving and everyone else is focused. Somehow (I was probably moving – oops!) I managed the opposite here and I think it looks really cool.

It always amazes me how someone barely taller than me can jump – and BLOCK – this high… I wish her #1 on her jersey showed up a bit more in this shot. She was named Team Captain for the season and gets to wear #1! It’s a big honor. Wow. What a jump.
Like the ballet legs?? She’s even pointing her toes! Lol.

dsc_5626A good piece of action – another of Gramma’s shots.
Except I think she missed this ball… Do you remember, A? Doesn’t matter – you looked great going for it!
My, that girl has the longest, most beautiful limbs I ever saw.

So, those are the most recent best-of action shots I could get!
I’ll try my manual camera again next tourney – this time with FLASH…


Photos : Granville Island (Spring)

Various pics from our Thursday outings to Granville Island, our local artisan / food / arts / etc markety kind of place. Good description, no?!

