Creative Ideas!










We haven’t been homeschooling long enough to get “bored” yet, but in an effort to keep things exciting and interesting, I’ve started collecting ideas of creative ways to homeschool! I’ll update the page every time something new comes along…
Do you have any to add? Feel free to add them in the comments!

  1. dress up day – dress up as your favorite, random characters. create and perform a play at the end of the day based on how each of your characters comes to meet one another.
  2. presentaton day – invite family/close friend to see what you’ve been up to! even if it’s a display of Lego creations ;-). I like this one – we often get asked what we DO as homeschoolers.
  3. out of the house study day – who wouldn’t want a break from their dining room to study for a day at the beach with an end-of-day BBQ or at the park with a picnic?
  4. culture week – take out a week to get absorbed into a new culture, such as Japanese. eat Japanese food, check out your local Japan-town area, research Japanese culture/customs, learn Japanese greetings, find a Japanese penpal.
  5. reading day – raining? snowing? just plain blah? stay in your jammies, make hot cereal, hot chocolate and hot soup and read the day away. add in a movie based on a book you’ve been reading together for a brain-break.
  6. teach the teacher day – let your kids teach you for a day! what kid won’t love the opportunity to tell you to sit down, do your work, eat your veggies…
  7. play-it day – spend a day creating an entire new boardgame, or sport together. make up the rules, check to see if it works, figure out how much it would cost to create it/sell it, create a marketing plan – go as far as you want. who knows? it might even catch on ;-).
  8. MICHAELS – go out in the am to the local Michael’s or craft store and hunt around for a new skill/craft to figure out together.

  9. dinner’s on – get together to plan, prep and cook a fancy dinner for the evening. create menus, name cards, a flower arrangement for the table, make dessert – get elaborate and special!
  10. collage time – get all your old about-to-be-thrown-out magazines or newspapers and create story-collages with them. or just do a giant rainbow of colors. or make funny alien faces. then give them odd titles, take a photograph and send them off to recycle.
  11. art musem – take a trip to your local art museum. learn about a particular artist, then “copy” a work at home with odd scraps of things lying around the house. give it your own twist, or interpretation.

  12. obstacle course – create an obstacle course around your entire house. get creative – use table tops, the underside of chairs, balancing, etc. time each other to race through it. note which areas everyone finds tricky or easy. make it more challenging and go at it again.
  13. board games – have a board game marathon. see how many board games you can possibly cram into one day. calculate scores for each game played and tally at the end of the day. declare a winner then all go out for banana splits for a real good brain-freeze.
  14. bake-off – see how many recipes you can possibly bake in one day. whatever doesn’t freeze at the end of the day, take around and give to your neighbours with a nice note.

  15. plan field trips – sit down for a day and plan out the years field trips. research ideas, make calls, assess costs. take into account the time of year – pumpkin patches in late fall, christmas displays in winter, tulip festivals in spring, etc. print out your h/school calendar for the year and jot in all the exciting things to look forward to. keep a “surprise” day or two and do something completely spontaneous.
  16. spend a day making a years’ worth of birthday cards for everyone you know! then they’ll be handy when the special dates arrive.

More great ideas to follow, once I either think of them or come across them or hear them from readers!

One Response

  1. Hi this blog is great I will be recommending it to friends.

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