tuesdays for tea 09.06.09

P5300024Happy belated Tuesday…
Does it count if it’s still Tuesday in my head?!

We’ve been on HOLIDAY! Again! After 2 days of fun-in-the-sun watching the girls each play their first beach volleyball tournament of the season, the boys + I left for Victoria to visit my sister + their cousins. Good times were had by all. Sleep was had by all but me.

Whilst on the isle, we went to the BUG ZOO. Who knew such a thing could exist. It was tiny (well, they ARE just bugs), only 2 rooms, but the kids loved it. We hit a “tour”, so the bug guide let the kids hold all kinds of creepy crawlies. Ick.

While we were gone, Hubby got A TON of things done around the house! I don’t know whether to pack up the boys more often so he can get all our odds + ends done, or send them all away so I can finally get some things done around the house… Tough call, that one…

Before I left I attended my first Homeschool Conference! It was … ok. I attended one chat, which was … ok. Then walked around and picked up some science kits and a King Tut game for Tt, none of which was on our list of things to consider by our new teacher. I’m not sure I’m liking the list we received, and our teacher hasn’t met Tt yet, so we’ll see what happens ;).

Well, back into the swing of things means I need to get ready to head out for a meeting. *Sigh*. But, alas, we still have Maui to pay for…

Enjoy the sunshine!

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5 Responses

  1. Welcome back. I vote for them all leaving you alone in the house. That’s what I wish mine would do.

    Um, I’m confused. You’re homeschooling but Tt has a teacher?

  2. I’m confused too Mindee!

  3. Mindee : Yep – I vote they all leave too ;). I’ve already “hotwire.com’d” hotels downtown for their “fun” weekend while I do other fun things like suck down entire bottles of chilled white wine while cleaning my rooms…

    Homeschooling “teacher” helps us choose our curriculum, keep us on track, etc. I’m excited someone will hold me mildly responsible for this otherwise wide-open process.

  4. Mel : See response to Mindee ;).

  5. A ha! Now I get it. Kind of like a coach or a director. It’s a great idea. Accountability always helps production.

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