Happy Mother’s Day to Me + You!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mom’s, Grama’s and Great-Grama’s out there!

We ‘did’ Mother’s Day on Saturday this year and had a good time.

It was a sunny day! I picked up Nana and met my Mom/Dad at a Farmer’s Market in North Vancouver for a walk-about. Tt joined in the fun and had a good time running about with his Grampa. He’d made me a lovely bracelet out of metallic pipe cleaners that I wore all day.

We left there and met Hubby, the girls and Boo at a Milestone’s in West Van for a brunch.
They brought me a lovely card and all the Moms some flowers!

And of course there was shopping nearby, so we walked about and shopped!

But I only bought something for B, then later something for A… I told them they owe me next year ;-).


We went on home and played in the backyard, gardened, the girls did a bit of homework, had a friend over, then our neighbours stopped by with their granddaughter and we ended up BBQ’g and roasting ‘schmallows – YUM!

My younger daughter A had made me this WONDERFUL cake from a Williams-Sonoma mix we’d bought while shopping together on South Granville the night before! It was YUM!

It’s another sunny day and we’re off to Mother’s Day service (via Starbucks non-fat easy-iced latte), Japanese food for lunch and shops in Kerrisdale. I saw a lovely bracelet the other day while shopping with B that I think I NEED as my gift for raising 4 wonderful kids :-).

Enjoy your day!

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