I’ve read in a few bloggy-friend posts that May is a busy month – our house is no different.
Except that maybe here we’re busy ALL the time – May/June just seem to be EXTRA SUPER DUPER busy. We are on the go, 24-7.

Not even one week now since we drove alllllllll the way back from Oceanside, CA, we’re heading out to Calgary, Alberta (that’s in CANADA…) for A’s laaast volleyball tourney of the year – the Nationals! Silly moi decided it would be nice to drive the 12-hrs and stop to see the Banff National Park on the way. I-ya. What was I thinking again???

The following weekend, after B’s PROM (really? already???), we leave for her laaaaast volleyball tourney – of highschool – in Bellevue/Seattle. At least it’s closer… And UofW campus is gorgeous. Next year it’s UBC-vball-Baby!!

In bewteen all that I have a ton of work, and usual kid-stuff, and blah, blah, blah…

So, here it is.
My posts for the next few weeks will consist of random photos from the last month or so.

this isn’t great quality, it was just so cute of the boys at the dophin window the other day. and typical – messy hair and all. their mom should really comb in once in awhile…

LOOK!!! LOOK!!! My plants have not died!! So far!

Not the best streetscape, but was walking home from the tanning place pre-trip and thought it was so pretty outside w/ the sun going down and those DANGED cherry blossoms everywhere. Like Christmas in April… Except blossoms stick. To everything.

I was out in the yard the other night making a tomato/feta salad and suddenly thought “My, how colorful!” and OF COURSE took a photo!
By the way – it’s POURING RAIN and FRIGGIN COLD outside right now… *sigh*.

So, that’s it for today.
It’s 12:30am, and I’ve just finished working / adding photos at brief intermissions, and I’m going to bed.

Have a good day, later, like in a few more hours!

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